BOOK ONE ㅠㅐㅐㅏ ㅐㅜㄷ ---- next page ---- ---- ㅜㄷㅌㅅ ㅔㅁㅎㄷ ---- : a local pride; spring, summer, fall and the sea; a confession; a basket; a column; a reply to Greek and Latin with the bare hands; a gathering up; a celebration; in distinctive terms; by multuplacation a reduction to one; daring; a fall; the clouds resolved into a sandy sluice; an enforced pause; hard put to it; an identificaion and a plan for action to supplant a plan for action; a taking up of slack; a dispersal and a metamorphosis. : ㅁ ㅣㅐㅊ미 ㅔ걍ㄷ; 네갸ㅜㅎ, 녀ㅡㅡㄷㄱ, ㄹ미ㅣ 뭉 솓 ㄴㄷㅁ; ㅁ 채ㅜㄹㄷㄴ냐ㅐㅜ; ㅁ ㅠㅁ낟ㅅ; ㅁ 채ㅣㅕㅡㅜ; ㅁ ㄱ데ㅣㅛ 새 ㅎㄱ따 뭉 ㅣㅁ샤ㅜ 쟈소 솓 ㅠㅁㄱㄷ ㅗ뭉ㄴ; ㅁ ㅎㅁ솓갸ㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ; ㅁ ㅊ디듁ㅁ샤ㅐㅜ; ㅑㅜ 얀샤ㅜㅊ샾ㄷ ㅅㄷ근; ㅠㅛ ㅡㅕㅣ셔ㅔㅣㅁㅊㅁ샤ㅐㅜ ㅁ ㄱㄷ옃샤ㅐㅜ 새 ㅐㅜㄷ; ㅇㅁ갸ㅜㅎ; ㅁ ㄹ미ㅣ; 솓 치ㅐㅕㅇㄴ ㄱㄷ내ㅣㅍㄷ ㅑㅜ새 ㅁ ㄴ무요 니ㅕㅑㅊㄷ; 무 두랙ㅊㄷㅇ ㅔ면ㄷ; ㅗㅁㄱㅇ ㅔㅕㅅ 새 ㅑㅅ; 무 ㅑㅇ두샤럋먀ㅐㅜ 뭉 ㅁ ㅔㅣ무 랙 ㅁㅊ샤ㅐㅜ 새 녀ㅔㅔㅣ뭇 ㅁ ㅔㅣ무 랙 ㅁㅊ샤ㅐㅜ; ㅁ ㅅ마ㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ ㅐㄹ 님차; ㅁ 야넫ㄱㄴ미 뭉 ㅁ ㅡㄷㅅ므ㅐ게ㅙ냔. ---- next page ---- ---- ㅜㄷㅌㅅ ㅔㅁㅎㄷ ---- Paterson: Book I ㅖㅁㅅㄷㄱ내ㅜ: ㅠㅐㅐㅏ ㅑ PREFACE ㅖㄲㄸㄹㅁㅊㄸ "Rigor of beauty is the quest. But how will you find beauty when it is loked in the mind past all remonstrance?" "꺄핵 ㅐㄹ ㅇㄷ며쇼 ㅑㄴ 솓 볃ㄴㅅ. ㅠㅕㅅ ㅙㅈ 쟈ㅣㅣ ㅛㅐㅕ 랴ㅜㅇ ㅠㄷ며쇼 조두 ㅑㅅ ㅑㄴ ㅣㅐㅏㄷㅇ ㅑㅜ 솓 ㅡㅑㅜㅇ ㅔㅁㄴㅅ 미ㅣ ㄱ드ㅐㅜㄴㅅㄱ뭋ㄷ?" To make a start, out of particulars and make them general, rolling up the sum, by defective means-- Sniffing the trees, just another dog among a lot of dogs. What else is there? And to do? The rest have run out-- after the rabbits. Only the lame stands--on three legs. Scratch front and back. Deceive and eat. Dig a musty bone 쌔 ㅡ맏 ㅁ ㄴㅅㅁㄱㅅ, ㅐㅕㅅ ㅐㄹ ㅔㅁㄱ샤쳐ㅣㅁㄱㄴ 뭉 ㅡ맏 소드 ㅎ둗ㄱ미, 개ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ 솓 녀ㅡ, ㅠㅛ ㅇㄷㄹㄷㅊ샾ㄷ ㅡㄷ문-- 누ㅑㄹ랴ㅜㅎ 솓 ㅅㄱㄸㄴ, ㅓㅕㄴㅅ 무ㅐ솓ㄱ 앻 므ㅐㅜㅎ ㅁ ㅣㅐㅅ ㅐㄹ ㅇㅁㅎㄴ. 쫌ㅅ 딘ㄷ ㅑㄴ 솓ㄱㄷ? 뭉 새 애? 쏟 ㄱㄷㄴㅅ ㅗㅁㅍㄷ ㄱㅕㅜ ㅐㅕㅅ-- ㅁㄹㅅㄷㄱ 솓 ㄱ뮤ㅠㅑㅅㄴ. ㅒㅟㅛ 솓 ㅣ믇 ㄴㅅ뭉ㄴ--ㅐㅜ 속ㄸ ㅣㄷㅎㄴ. ㄴㅊㄱㅁㅅ초 ㄹ개ㅜㅅ 뭉 ㅠㅁ차. ㅇㄷㅊ댶ㄷ 뭉 ㄷㅁㅅ. 얗 ㅁ ㅡㅕㄴ쇼 ㅠㅐㅜㄷ For the beginning is assuredly the end--since we know nothing, pure and simple, beyond our own complexities. 랙 솓 ㅠㄷ햐ㅜㅜㅑㅜㅎ ㅑㄴ ㅁㄴ녁ㄷ이ㅛ 솓 둥--냐ㅜㅊㄷ ㅈㄷ ㅏㅜㅐㅈ ㅜㅐ소ㅑㅜㅎ, ㅔㅕㄱㄷ 뭉 냐ㅡㅔㅣㄷ, ㅠ됴ㅐㅜㅇ ㅐㅕㄱ ㅐ주 채ㅡㅔㅣㄷ탸샫ㅇ. ---- next page ---- ---- ㅜㄷㅌㅅ ㅔㅁㅎㄷ ---- Yet there is no return: rolling up out of chaos, a nine months'wonder, the city the man, an identity--it can't be otherwise--an interpenetration, both ways. Rolling up! obverse, reverse; the drunk the sober; the illustrious the gross; one. In igmorance a certain knowledge and knowledge, undispersed, its own undoing. ㅛㄷㅅ 솓ㄱㄷ ㅑㄴ ㅜㅐ ㄱㄷ셔구: 개ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ ㅐㅕㅅ ㅐㄹ 초맨, ㅁ ㅜㅑㅜㄷ ㅡㅐㅜ손'재ㅜㅇㄷㄱ, 솓 챠쇼 솓 ㅡ무, 무 ㅑㅇ두샤쇼--ㅑㅅ ㅊ무'ㅅ ㅠㄷ ㅐ솓ㄱ쟌ㄷ--무 ㅑㅜㅅㄷ게둗ㅅㄱㅁ샤ㅐㅜ, ㅠㅐ소 ㅈ묜. 깨ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ! ㅐㅠㅍㄷㄱㄴㄷ, ㄱㄷㅍㄷㄱㄴㄷ; 솓 ㅇ겨ㅜㅏ 솓 내ㅠㄷㄱ; 솓 ㅑㅣㅣㅕㄴㅅ갸ㅐㅕㄴ 솓 ㅎㄱㅐㄴㄴ; ㅐㅜㄷ. ㅑㅜ ㅑ흐ㅐㄱ뭋ㄷ ㅁ ㅊㄷㄱㅅ먀ㅜ ㅏㅜㅐ짇ㅇㅎㄷ 뭉 ㅏㅜㅐ짇ㅇㅎㄷ, ㅕㅜ야넫ㄱㄴㄷㅇ, ㅑㅅㄴ ㅐ주 ㅕㅜ애ㅑㅜㅎ. (The multiple seed, packed tight with detail, soured, is lost in the flux and the mind, distracted, floats off in the same scum) (쏟 ㅡㅕㅣ샤ㅔㅣㄷ ㄴㄷㄷㅇ, ㅔㅁ찯ㅇ 샤홋 쟈소 ㅇㄷㅅ먀ㅣ, 내ㅕㄱㄷㅇ, ㅑㄴ ㅣㅐㄴㅅ ㅑㅜ 솓 리ㅕㅌ 뭉 솓 ㅡㅑㅜㅇ, 얀ㅅㄱㅁㅊㅅㄷㅇ, 리ㅐㅁㅅㄴ ㅐㄹㄹ ㅑㅜ 솓 ㄴ믇 ㄴ쳐ㅡ) Rolling up, rolling up heavy with numbers. 깨ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ, 개ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ ㅗㄷㅁ표 쟈소 ㅜㅕㅡㅠㄷㄱㄴ. It is the ignorant sun rising in the slot of hollow suns risen, so that never in this world will a man live well in his body save dying--and not know himself dying; yet that is the design. Renews himself thereby, in addition and subtraction, walking up and down. ㅑㅅ ㅑㄴ 솓 ㅑ후ㅐㄱ뭇 녀ㅜ 갸냐ㅜㅎ ㅑㅜ 솓 니ㅐㅅ ㅐㄹ ㅙㅣㅣㅐㅈ 녀ㅜㄴ 갼두, 내 솜ㅅ ㅜㄷㅍㄷㄱ ㅑㅜ 소ㅑㄴ 재깅 쟈ㅣㅣ ㅁ ㅡ무 ㅣㅑㅍㄷ ㅈ디ㅣ ㅑㅜ ㅗㅑㄴ ㅠㅐ요 ㄴㅁㅍㄷ 요ㅑㅜㅎ--뭉 ㅜㅐㅅ ㅏㅜㅐㅈ ㅗㅑㅡㄴ딜 요ㅑㅜㅎ; ㅛㄷㅅ 솜ㅅ ㅑㄴ 솓 ㅇㄷ냐후. ㄲ둗ㅈㄴ ㅗㅑㅡㄴ딜 솓ㄱ듀ㅛ, ㅑㅜ ㅁㅇ야샤ㅐㅜ 뭉 녀ㅠㅅㄱㅁㅊ샤ㅐㅜ, ㅈ미ㅏㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ 뭉 애주. and the craft, subverted by thought, rolling up, let him beware lest he turn to no more than the writing of stale poems . . . 뭉 솓 ㅊㄱㅁㄹㅅ, 녀ㅠㅍㄷㄱㅅㄷㅇ ㅠㅛ 쇄ㅕ홋, 개ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ, ㅣㄷㅅ ㅗㅑㅡ ㅠㄷㅈㅁㄱㄷ ㅣㄷㄴㅅ ㅗㄷ 셔구 새 ㅜㅐ ㅡㅐㄱㄷ 소무 솓 ㅈ갸샤ㅜㅎ ㅐㄹ ㄴㅅ믿 ㅔㅐ든 . . . Minds like beds always made up, (more stony than a shore) unwilling or unable. ㅡㅑㅜㅇㄴ ㅣㅑㅏㄷ ㅠㄷㅇㄴ 밎묜 ㅡㅁㅇㄷ ㅕㅔ, (ㅡㅐㄱㄷ ㄴ새ㅜㅛ 소무 ㅁ 놱ㄷ) ㅕㅜ쟈ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅐㄱ ㅕㅜ뮤ㅣㄷ. Rolling in, top up, under, thrust and recoil, a great clatter: lifted as air, boated, multicolored, a wash of seas -- from mathematics to particulars-- 쌔ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅑㅜ, 새ㅔ ㅕㅔ, ㅕㅜㅇㄷㄱ, 소견ㅅ 뭉 ㄱㄷ채ㅑㅣ, ㅁ ㅎㄱㄷㅁㅅ 침ㅆㄷㄱ: ㅣㅑㄹㅅㄷㅇ ㅁㄴ 먁, ㅠㅐㅁㅅㄷㅇ, ㅡㅕㅣ샻ㅐㅣㅐㄱㄷㅇ, ㅁ ㅈㅁ노 ㅐㄹ ㄴㄷㅁㄴ -- ㄹ개ㅡ ㅡㅁ소듬샻ㄴ 새 ㅔㅁㄱ샤쳐ㅣㅁㄱㄴ-- divided as the dew, floating mists, to be rained down and regathered into a river that flows and encircles: 야퍙ㄷㅇ ㅁㄴ 솓 ㅇㄷㅈ, 리ㅐㅁ샤ㅜㅎ ㅡㅑㄴㅅㄴ, 새 ㅠㄷ ㄱ먀ㅜㄷㅇ 애주 뭉 ㄱㄷㅎㅁ솓ㄱㄷㅇ ㅑㅜ새 ㅁ 걒ㄷㄱ 솜ㅅ 리ㅐㅈㄴ 뭉 두챡칟ㄴ: shells and animalcules generally and so to man, 노디ㅣㄴ 뭉 무ㅑㅡ미쳐ㅣㄷㄴ ㅎ둗ㄱ미ㅣㅛ 뭉 내 새 ㅡ무, to Paterson. 새 ㅖㅁㅅㄷㄱ내ㅜ.


ㅠㅐㅐㅏ ㅐㅜㄷ

---- next page ---- ---- ㅜㄷㅌㅅ ㅔㅁㅎㄷ ---- : a local pride; spring, summer, fall and the sea; a confession; a basket; a column; a reply to Greek and Latin with the bare hands; a gathering up; a celebration; in distinctive terms; by multuplacation a reduction to one; daring; a fall; the clouds resolved into a sandy sluice; an enforced pause; hard put to it; an identificaion and a plan for action to supplant a plan for action; a taking up of slack; a dispersal and a metamorphosis. : ㅁ ㅣㅐㅊ미 ㅔ걍ㄷ; 네갸ㅜㅎ, 녀ㅡㅡㄷㄱ, ㄹ미ㅣ 뭉 솓 ㄴㄷㅁ; ㅁ 채ㅜㄹㄷㄴ냐ㅐㅜ; ㅁ ㅠㅁ낟ㅅ; ㅁ 채ㅣㅕㅡㅜ; ㅁ ㄱ데ㅣㅛ 새 ㅎㄱ따 뭉 ㅣㅁ샤ㅜ 쟈소 솓 ㅠㅁㄱㄷ ㅗ뭉ㄴ; ㅁ ㅎㅁ솓갸ㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ; ㅁ ㅊ디듁ㅁ샤ㅐㅜ; ㅑㅜ 얀샤ㅜㅊ샾ㄷ ㅅㄷ근; ㅠㅛ ㅡㅕㅣ셔ㅔㅣㅁㅊㅁ샤ㅐㅜ ㅁ ㄱㄷ옃샤ㅐㅜ 새 ㅐㅜㄷ; ㅇㅁ갸ㅜㅎ; ㅁ ㄹ미ㅣ; 솓 치ㅐㅕㅇㄴ ㄱㄷ내ㅣㅍㄷ ㅑㅜ새 ㅁ ㄴ무요 니ㅕㅑㅊㄷ; 무 두랙ㅊㄷㅇ ㅔ면ㄷ; ㅗㅁㄱㅇ ㅔㅕㅅ 새 ㅑㅅ; 무 ㅑㅇ두샤럋먀ㅐㅜ 뭉 ㅁ ㅔㅣ무 랙 ㅁㅊ샤ㅐㅜ 새 녀ㅔㅔㅣ뭇 ㅁ ㅔㅣ무 랙 ㅁㅊ샤ㅐㅜ; ㅁ ㅅ마ㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ ㅐㄹ 님차; ㅁ 야넫ㄱㄴ미 뭉 ㅁ ㅡㄷㅅ므ㅐ게ㅙ냔. ---- next page ---- ---- ㅜㄷㅌㅅ ㅔㅁㅎㄷ ---- Paterson: Book I ㅖㅁㅅㄷㄱ내ㅜ: ㅠㅐㅐㅏ ㅑ PREFACE ㅖㄲㄸㄹㅁㅊㄸ "Rigor of beauty is the quest. But how will you find beauty when it is loked in the mind past all remonstrance?" "꺄핵 ㅐㄹ ㅇㄷ며쇼 ㅑㄴ 솓 볃ㄴㅅ. ㅠㅕㅅ ㅙㅈ 쟈ㅣㅣ ㅛㅐㅕ 랴ㅜㅇ ㅠㄷ며쇼 조두 ㅑㅅ ㅑㄴ ㅣㅐㅏㄷㅇ ㅑㅜ 솓 ㅡㅑㅜㅇ ㅔㅁㄴㅅ 미ㅣ ㄱ드ㅐㅜㄴㅅㄱ뭋ㄷ?" To make a start, out of particulars and make them general, rolling up the sum, by defective means-- Sniffing the trees, just another dog among a lot of dogs. What else is there? And to do? The rest have run out-- after the rabbits. Only the lame stands--on three legs. Scratch front and back. Deceive and eat. Dig a musty bone 쌔 ㅡ맏 ㅁ ㄴㅅㅁㄱㅅ, ㅐㅕㅅ ㅐㄹ ㅔㅁㄱ샤쳐ㅣㅁㄱㄴ 뭉 ㅡ맏 소드 ㅎ둗ㄱ미, 개ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ 솓 녀ㅡ, ㅠㅛ ㅇㄷㄹㄷㅊ샾ㄷ ㅡㄷ문-- 누ㅑㄹ랴ㅜㅎ 솓 ㅅㄱㄸㄴ, ㅓㅕㄴㅅ 무ㅐ솓ㄱ 앻 므ㅐㅜㅎ ㅁ ㅣㅐㅅ ㅐㄹ ㅇㅁㅎㄴ. 쫌ㅅ 딘ㄷ ㅑㄴ 솓ㄱㄷ? 뭉 새 애? 쏟 ㄱㄷㄴㅅ ㅗㅁㅍㄷ ㄱㅕㅜ ㅐㅕㅅ-- ㅁㄹㅅㄷㄱ 솓 ㄱ뮤ㅠㅑㅅㄴ. ㅒㅟㅛ 솓 ㅣ믇 ㄴㅅ뭉ㄴ--ㅐㅜ 속ㄸ ㅣㄷㅎㄴ. ㄴㅊㄱㅁㅅ초 ㄹ개ㅜㅅ 뭉 ㅠㅁ차. ㅇㄷㅊ댶ㄷ 뭉 ㄷㅁㅅ. 얗 ㅁ ㅡㅕㄴ쇼 ㅠㅐㅜㄷ For the beginning is assuredly the end--since we know nothing, pure and simple, beyond our own complexities. 랙 솓 ㅠㄷ햐ㅜㅜㅑㅜㅎ ㅑㄴ ㅁㄴ녁ㄷ이ㅛ 솓 둥--냐ㅜㅊㄷ ㅈㄷ ㅏㅜㅐㅈ ㅜㅐ소ㅑㅜㅎ, ㅔㅕㄱㄷ 뭉 냐ㅡㅔㅣㄷ, ㅠ됴ㅐㅜㅇ ㅐㅕㄱ ㅐ주 채ㅡㅔㅣㄷ탸샫ㅇ. ---- next page ---- ---- ㅜㄷㅌㅅ ㅔㅁㅎㄷ ---- Yet there is no return: rolling up out of chaos, a nine months'wonder, the city the man, an identity--it can't be otherwise--an interpenetration, both ways. Rolling up! obverse, reverse; the drunk the sober; the illustrious the gross; one. In igmorance a certain knowledge and knowledge, undispersed, its own undoing. ㅛㄷㅅ 솓ㄱㄷ ㅑㄴ ㅜㅐ ㄱㄷ셔구: 개ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ ㅐㅕㅅ ㅐㄹ 초맨, ㅁ ㅜㅑㅜㄷ ㅡㅐㅜ손'재ㅜㅇㄷㄱ, 솓 챠쇼 솓 ㅡ무, 무 ㅑㅇ두샤쇼--ㅑㅅ ㅊ무'ㅅ ㅠㄷ ㅐ솓ㄱ쟌ㄷ--무 ㅑㅜㅅㄷ게둗ㅅㄱㅁ샤ㅐㅜ, ㅠㅐ소 ㅈ묜. 깨ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ! ㅐㅠㅍㄷㄱㄴㄷ, ㄱㄷㅍㄷㄱㄴㄷ; 솓 ㅇ겨ㅜㅏ 솓 내ㅠㄷㄱ; 솓 ㅑㅣㅣㅕㄴㅅ갸ㅐㅕㄴ 솓 ㅎㄱㅐㄴㄴ; ㅐㅜㄷ. ㅑㅜ ㅑ흐ㅐㄱ뭋ㄷ ㅁ ㅊㄷㄱㅅ먀ㅜ ㅏㅜㅐ짇ㅇㅎㄷ 뭉 ㅏㅜㅐ짇ㅇㅎㄷ, ㅕㅜ야넫ㄱㄴㄷㅇ, ㅑㅅㄴ ㅐ주 ㅕㅜ애ㅑㅜㅎ. (The multiple seed, packed tight with detail, soured, is lost in the flux and the mind, distracted, floats off in the same scum) (쏟 ㅡㅕㅣ샤ㅔㅣㄷ ㄴㄷㄷㅇ, ㅔㅁ찯ㅇ 샤홋 쟈소 ㅇㄷㅅ먀ㅣ, 내ㅕㄱㄷㅇ, ㅑㄴ ㅣㅐㄴㅅ ㅑㅜ 솓 리ㅕㅌ 뭉 솓 ㅡㅑㅜㅇ, 얀ㅅㄱㅁㅊㅅㄷㅇ, 리ㅐㅁㅅㄴ ㅐㄹㄹ ㅑㅜ 솓 ㄴ믇 ㄴ쳐ㅡ) Rolling up, rolling up heavy with numbers. 깨ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ, 개ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ ㅗㄷㅁ표 쟈소 ㅜㅕㅡㅠㄷㄱㄴ. It is the ignorant sun rising in the slot of hollow suns risen, so that never in this world will a man live well in his body save dying--and not know himself dying; yet that is the design. Renews himself thereby, in addition and subtraction, walking up and down. ㅑㅅ ㅑㄴ 솓 ㅑ후ㅐㄱ뭇 녀ㅜ 갸냐ㅜㅎ ㅑㅜ 솓 니ㅐㅅ ㅐㄹ ㅙㅣㅣㅐㅈ 녀ㅜㄴ 갼두, 내 솜ㅅ ㅜㄷㅍㄷㄱ ㅑㅜ 소ㅑㄴ 재깅 쟈ㅣㅣ ㅁ ㅡ무 ㅣㅑㅍㄷ ㅈ디ㅣ ㅑㅜ ㅗㅑㄴ ㅠㅐ요 ㄴㅁㅍㄷ 요ㅑㅜㅎ--뭉 ㅜㅐㅅ ㅏㅜㅐㅈ ㅗㅑㅡㄴ딜 요ㅑㅜㅎ; ㅛㄷㅅ 솜ㅅ ㅑㄴ 솓 ㅇㄷ냐후. ㄲ둗ㅈㄴ ㅗㅑㅡㄴ딜 솓ㄱ듀ㅛ, ㅑㅜ ㅁㅇ야샤ㅐㅜ 뭉 녀ㅠㅅㄱㅁㅊ샤ㅐㅜ, ㅈ미ㅏㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ 뭉 애주. and the craft, subverted by thought, rolling up, let him beware lest he turn to no more than the writing of stale poems . . . 뭉 솓 ㅊㄱㅁㄹㅅ, 녀ㅠㅍㄷㄱㅅㄷㅇ ㅠㅛ 쇄ㅕ홋, 개ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅕㅔ, ㅣㄷㅅ ㅗㅑㅡ ㅠㄷㅈㅁㄱㄷ ㅣㄷㄴㅅ ㅗㄷ 셔구 새 ㅜㅐ ㅡㅐㄱㄷ 소무 솓 ㅈ갸샤ㅜㅎ ㅐㄹ ㄴㅅ믿 ㅔㅐ든 . . . Minds like beds always made up, (more stony than a shore) unwilling or unable. ㅡㅑㅜㅇㄴ ㅣㅑㅏㄷ ㅠㄷㅇㄴ 밎묜 ㅡㅁㅇㄷ ㅕㅔ, (ㅡㅐㄱㄷ ㄴ새ㅜㅛ 소무 ㅁ 놱ㄷ) ㅕㅜ쟈ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅐㄱ ㅕㅜ뮤ㅣㄷ. Rolling in, top up, under, thrust and recoil, a great clatter: lifted as air, boated, multicolored, a wash of seas -- from mathematics to particulars-- 쌔ㅣㅣㅑㅜㅎ ㅑㅜ, 새ㅔ ㅕㅔ, ㅕㅜㅇㄷㄱ, 소견ㅅ 뭉 ㄱㄷ채ㅑㅣ, ㅁ ㅎㄱㄷㅁㅅ 침ㅆㄷㄱ: ㅣㅑㄹㅅㄷㅇ ㅁㄴ 먁, ㅠㅐㅁㅅㄷㅇ, ㅡㅕㅣ샻ㅐㅣㅐㄱㄷㅇ, ㅁ ㅈㅁ노 ㅐㄹ ㄴㄷㅁㄴ -- ㄹ개ㅡ ㅡㅁ소듬샻ㄴ 새 ㅔㅁㄱ샤쳐ㅣㅁㄱㄴ-- divided as the dew, floating mists, to be rained down and regathered into a river that flows and encircles: 야퍙ㄷㅇ ㅁㄴ 솓 ㅇㄷㅈ, 리ㅐㅁ샤ㅜㅎ ㅡㅑㄴㅅㄴ, 새 ㅠㄷ ㄱ먀ㅜㄷㅇ 애주 뭉 ㄱㄷㅎㅁ솓ㄱㄷㅇ ㅑㅜ새 ㅁ 걒ㄷㄱ 솜ㅅ 리ㅐㅈㄴ 뭉 두챡칟ㄴ: shells and animalcules generally and so to man, 노디ㅣㄴ 뭉 무ㅑㅡ미쳐ㅣㄷㄴ ㅎ둗ㄱ미ㅣㅛ 뭉 내 새 ㅡ무, to Paterson. 새 ㅖㅁㅅㄷㄱ내ㅜ.
qjsdur: rlatkddk ㅅㄱ무님샤ㅐㅜ: ㅏㅑㅡㄴ뭏ㅁ